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meet  norkis

We met Norkis working at a Pizzeria in Nagua.  Noticing that we weren’t  from the area she asked what we were doing in Nagua.  We told her that we were praying about starting a church in Nagua.  Surprised, she came close to my wife and eagerly asked, “Will it be a Baptist Church?”  She proceeded to tell us that she had been saved in Cuba and had come to the Dominican Republic for a better life.  She told us  how she had visited EVERY church in Nagua but NOT ONE preached about how to get saved!  After a year of trying different churches she began praying for God to send a Baptist church to this needy city!  Currently, she has begun working with the street children and tries to have a Bible Study with them at the park on Sundays.  We can't wait to be able to begin the work in Nagua!  

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